Lately, when I search for a school to study art at, I start to get really confused...
Maybe it's not what I want to study at all?
I guess, if I could just study illustration like I want, I won't have all of that.
I'm not sure of my abilities, not sure in my work...
I thought to open a "I'll sketch you" stall at the festival soon, but I'm not sure if I can really do that... and if people from my city will buy such a thing.

Maybe I should back to elfs.

I'm sorry I haven't been around. D:
These look great! You've really improved. :] I think you should start a "I'll sketch you" stall, it'd be great practice. :D Sounds fun too.
I hope you find the right art school for yourself, or atleast make the best of it.
Thank you so much~ =D
I choose a school, I hope it'll really be right for me.
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